Molly arrives at her large, public high school and takes it all in. She walks into her homeroom and is greeted by her two best friends, Laurel and Davd. Before she races to their pod to chat, she remembers to check in at the main tablet to mark her attendance, upload her homework to the class cloud, and send herself any necessary files for the day. “How did my parent’s schools even function without all this technology?”, she often wonders. Molly walks back and plops down in her pod next to Laurel and David. They chat and catch up about the past 24 hours of events, and then it's time to work. Although they attend one of the largest schools in their area, everyone is very competitive and determined to be the top of their class, which creates a constant cycle of worry among students that they aren’t doing enough.

They all power on their computers and tablets and log on to the ‘GREAT AMERICAN WEB’. Molly thinks they could have been more creative with the name, but that’s besides the point. Molly types in her government issued ID and password and is greeted by her school’s welcome page, which has a checklist of all the assignments she just submitted and a folder containing all of the files she must complete today. She begins scrolling through and sees something that catches her eye under the ‘AP ENGLISH’ folder. This assignment is tasking each student to find someone and talk with them about one thing they believe has altered the way we live our lives. Molly had an idea, this project would be the perfect opportunity to highlight her mom’s story. “Genius! This could even make an interesting college essay!” she exclaimed to David and Laurel. They, however, proceeded to roll their eyes, “I love your idea, but no more talk about college! We hear that enough from everyone else, remember!” demanded Laurel. Molly tried to make it through the rest of her assignments and classes, but all she could think about was how inspiring this interview with her mom was going to be. Through lunch and gym class Molly was half there, listening to David and Laurel rant about whatever new band they were loving that day.

What did Molly do next?